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Here’s my review of some of the work I’ve done in 2019, and some of the things I‘ve been involved with this past year.


It’s been a busy year for many reasons but as a Cllr I have lost track of the number of personal criticisms I get, mostly on Facebook but also from other Cllrs, but it hasn’t been as many as I’ve had in the past. And there’s only a handful of fake profiles having a go at me this year. More concerningly is my critics have become aggressive and slanderous, I do keep a record though in case I decide to take legal action. 


It is difficult to speak to every person who lives in my ward personally but I do walk around my ward regularly and talk to people on the doorstep and who are just put and about. More so when the weather’s nicer to be honest. 


On a more positive note I have had many, many, more positive comments from people. They tend to be directly to my face or through private messages. Whether people agree or disagree with me is fine, just be polite about it!  I just try to do the best I can to support my community and help other people. I may not always get it right but I try my best. To quote Randall P McMurphy “ At least I tried”. 


So this year, a big piece of work I’ve been pushing for years finally happened. A complete Traffic review of Meliden and Prestatyn took place. Work is currently underway to plan how to respond to issues raised in it. I can e:mail the full review to anyone who wants it, it is well over 300 pages long though. 


Another serious issue I’ve been working on for years continues! DCC  and Natural Resource Wales are conducting a survey on the Prestatyn gutter to work out who is responsible for what and how to alleviate regular localised flooding events. I helped a resident with several issues around his home in Meliden, during which we discovered a water course DCC weren’t aware of and an illegal sewerage connection into the gutter! All will now help inform the ongoing survey. It is frustratingly slow though. 


At my instigation DCC have agreed to improve Prestatyn sea defences. They are working on plans and funding streams currently. Again that will be a frustratingly slow process!


January: I took part in some hedge laying environmental work organised by Coed y Morfa gateway and DCC countryside services. 


February: I invited the new local Police Sergeant to speak to PTC about anti-social behaviour happening at the time. Sadly eight Cllrs were absent from that meeting!


I took part in some hedge laying environmental work again organised by Coed y Morfa gateway and DCC countryside services. 


I, and my family,  helped two young people who do a lot of charity work locally do a bag pack to raise funds for Ronald McDonald house. Also helped them get permission to place free dog bag dispensers around the community.


March: I criticised DCC for awarding a highways manager a £15,000 pay rise for highways boss after DCC cut £200,000 from their road repair budget. The cabinet member responsible then publicly attacked me for that.  


I opposed the Govs proposal to store Nuclear Waste in Denbighshire. Along with every other Cllr.


I made some cakes for a charity cake sale. British Heart Foundation.


I had some involvement in the concerns raised about temporary housing for the homeless. That was primarily an issue for Rhyl Cllrs but I helped a little bit. 


April: Gave the new Chief Exec of DCC a tour around my ward.


I responded to concerns from residents about a group of travellers camped near the Nova. Liaised with DCC and residents and all was well. 


I was unfortunately caught up in an online scandal involving comments alleged to have been made by another Cllr. Allegations now dismissed by the police, Labour Party and ombudsman although they didn’t contact me for input.


I wrote a haiku on my birthday ( which is also international haiku day). It was:


Fascists rise again

Children starve, the planet dies

Time to vote Labour


May: I got the results of the traffic survey. Issues I had raised were included and recognised. 


I attended a public meeting in Meliden about the proposed Mindale Farm development.


I met with DCC countryside services for an update on their work in Prestatyn.


I held a drop in session with Chris RUANE to discuss changes to pension credits with residents.


I delivered a presentation to residents about how to be a Cllr and my own experiences. 


It was the European elections so I posted my political thoughts on that online. 

I then had 18 online threats made toward me due to a right wing person agitating about me on right wing social media sites. I didn’t bother going to the Police as I didn’t think they were likely to happen. All saved though in case I need to at some point. 


From March to May I had six complaints made  to the public services Ombudsman about me, all from Tory Cllrs co-incidentally,about things I’d posted criticising the Tories. All immediately dismissed as I still have the right to free speech. 


June: Sat in stocks getting wet to raise money for the British heart foundation. Then lent those stocks to several other groups to use for their fundraisers.


I helped out at Ysgol y Llys summer fair as usual. And publicised the work of other school governors in response to criticism from other Cllrs. 


I did a lot of work investigating localised Flooding in Prestatyn. I walked the length of the gutter looking at possible problem areas. 


July: I held a public meeting with DCC Highways Officer to explain the traffic survey and respond to questions.


I attended a DCC meeting on ‘lessons learned’ from the county wide floods we had two years ago. I was the only Cllr from Prestatyn who attended. I did raise my concerns about excessive developments higher up that may impact on lower areas subject to flooding ie: too many housing developments will prevent natural soakage and increase downhill water flood. 


In response to localised flooding I met with: DCC’s Flood Risk Manager and Natural Resource Wales’ regional officer looking at risk areas that hadn’t previously been identified and looking at the knock on consequences to other parts of the area. 


DCC have recently completed a survey of Prestatyn gutter to work out who is responsible for which part. I’ve asked for a copy and what DCC intends to do to address ongoing problems in the short, and long, term.


I stewarded at Prestatyn carnival with my family as usual. 


I helped at the busking day to support the Urdd fundraising effort.


I asked DCC to consider putting a polling station near the Nova as residents in that area have a long trek to vote. DCC is not keen, other Cllrs opposed it. I will come back to that though.


I was pleased to hear Welsh Gov are taking steps to force schools to make uniforms affordable. Something I’ve argued for for years. 


August: I criticised DCC for holding prayers prior to council meetings. Most people, including people of faith, agreed with me. Almost all other Cllrs didn’t. 


September: I got DCC to agree to make improvements to Prestatyn’s sea defences. That is now being planned, it will take a few years but I will keep an eye on it. 


I put a formal objection in against the Mindale Farm development primarily as it would increase flood risk to my ward in North Prestatyn. 


October. In the press I discussed online abuse aimed at Cllrs. 


I stewarded at the Urdd proclamation ceremony. 


I asked DCC’s new climate change committee to include future planning applications impact on the environment. Got no response though! 


November: Criticised DCC for reducing opportunities to engage in democracy through limiting meetings and items on the agendas.


I attended the Remembrance Sunday service at the parish church and laid the wreath as a representative of DCC. 


December: Heard Welsh Gov are going to force councils to hold more flexible meetings to allow more people to become Cllrs and attend meetings! Partly in response to my arguing for this for seven years, strongly opposed by virtually every other DCC Cllr every time. 


Individual resident issues I’ve worked on include: 


A few on Racism

A few on education

Many on Housing

Many on Anti social behaviour

Many on Dog fouling

Fly Tipping, littering, accessing services or finding support agencies.


Ongoing queries I’m working on:


I have had concerns raised about the new environmental enforcement  company. I asked several questions about it prior to Christmas, 

I’m waiting for a reply. 


In response to a query in social media I have asked several questions of North Wales Police about local Policing levels. I am waiting for their response. 


DCC Commitees


I’m a member of the Standards committee which does things like look at breaches of Cllrs Code of Conduct and supports smaller town councils. 


I’m a member of the plastics task and finish group which is looking at ways to reduce DCC’s use of single use plastics.


Things I don’t publicise much.


My family and I have done litter picks on several occasions at the beach, on the Morfas, along the Dyserth walkway. I know there are many other people who do likewise. 


My wife and I are increasingly helping the local Foodbank. I intend to get more involved again this year, 


I’m a school governor at Ysgol y Llys. I have been involved in a number of things at the school as a Governor and volunteer at events. 


Things I’ve failed to do!


I have been invited to attend meetings of a new local branch of friends of the earth. Unfortunately every time it has clashed with something else! I have had discussions with a number of community groups about tree planting funds available to them with the support of DCC Countryside services. 


I am part of a committee looking at raising funds for play equipment for children with disabilities. That has dropped off a bit as committee members are all very busy. I’m going to kick start that again soon. 


I spoke to several people about organising a gay pride event in Prestatyn. That didn’t go much further, again something I will try to kick start again. 

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